Parent porteur

In life
Colmar, 4 childrenI am 35 years old and I am the mother of Elisa, Coline, Gaston, and Agathe.
My story with babywearing began in 2009 with the birth of my 2nd baby. His big sister was only 15 months old at the time and I was mainly concerned about the practicality at that time. Having my hands free to take care of my biggest. My first wrap was the Original JPMBB one.
The years went by, and 10 years later I became pregnant with Gaston. I knew that I would wear him, it was obvious, I spent my pregnancy learning about physiological babywearing beyond the "practical" aspect. I became fully aware of all the benefits at its birth. This contact, this closeness, his tiny little body close to me which was calming down, this life in utero which was being prolonged... It was a baby in great need of being carried, and I responded to its need without thinking.
I added sling breastfeeding as a string to my bow when his little sister was born.
4 children, hands free, I don't think you can do better than that! I'm in a real passion for babywearing, it's quite natural that I followed the "L'Ecole à Portage" instructor training in September 2020, to be able in my turn to pass on babywearing and accompany parents and future parents from birth to walking. I'm a babywearing instructor in Alsace, in the Haut-Rhin region, I created my association: "Babywrap'n'roll" to support parents.
Love Radius accompanies us on our everyday life, not only through our babywearing methods, but also through their values and their philosophy of being #ParentsButNotOnLY