Winter Sales
Baby carriers
Carry your child from 0 to 36 months (from 6 months without the extension kit). Ultra comfy in all seasons and physiological, the HoodieCarrier and the PhysioCarrier accompany you for little sleep at home as well as long walks to the other side of the world.
All the baby carriers How to choose?
Baby wraps
For the first months, nothing will ever equal the baby wrap and the skin to skin it allows. This promotes heat regulation, lactation, oxytocin ... You will have your hands free! For babies, the wrap allows you to make a transition with the mother's womb by prolonging the feeling of security. The physiological position leads to better digestion and therefore less reflux, colic.
All the baby wraps How to choose?
Ring Slings
Diaper Bag
The diaper bag that continues where others leave off! Additional hip seat (4-22 months). Changing bag attachments for prams, suitcases, baby carriers... Waterproof cover included. 5 positions to carry the bag. Multiple storage compartments for parents' and children's belongings. Removable waterproof bag for wet clothes / soiled nappies. A bag that you will use even without baby!
Parent's Hoodie

Hospital bag checklist: what to pack?

Pregnancy is already an experience that brings its share of anxiety (and happiness). So when the fateful date of delivery approaches, our thoughts turn to preparing the bag for the maternity ward. And to be on the safe side, we advise you to prepare it in advance: it avoids forgetting things and last-minute anxiety.

In this article you will find everything you need to know about this ordeal. (list to be checked and printed at the bottom of the article!) 

When should I pack my hospital bag?

It all depends on your stress level and your organisation. Not stressed at all? Pack when you have time or at the last minute.

Otherwise, it's best to pack at the beginning of the ninth month of pregnancy (37 weeks) so you don't forget anything, as the birth can happen at any time.

What to pack in the hospital bag?

Let's try to be efficient and pragmatic. We're going to offer you a simple list (well, not so simple), but one that is sufficiently exhaustive to be prepared for all situations.

When you see what you need to take, you will quickly understand that it will be more practical to organise yourself into several bags or suitcases so that you don't have to search for hours :) (1 bag per person for example)

Have you not chosen the companion that will accompany you to motherhood? Discover the CaravanBAG: a compact and innovative changing bag ideal for maternity and especially after!
Hospital bag gray

The baby bag

Not all hospitals and clinics provide the same recommendations and products. Be sure to check with them to see if they can accommodate you!

  • 5 bodysuits (take birth size and 1 month size)
  • 5 pyjamas
  • a pair of slippers
  • 5 pairs of socks
  • 1 cardigan
  • 1 sleeping bag
  • 1 outfit for going home
  • 1 or 2 soothers (not compulsory)
  • 1 soft toy
  • towels (sometimes provided by the hospital)
  • physiological serum
  • nappies (but how many nappies in my hospital bag ? It depends ! Sometimes provided by hospital itself, otherwise, count 3 per day)
  • cotton
  • liniment
  • a bonnet to leave the maternity ward
  • 5 bibs
  • 1 pair of mittens (we don't always think about them and they are not compulsory but baby can scratch his face)

With all these items, you should not lack anything for baby :) You will be accompanied by the maternity staff anyway.


The classic sling is very useful to practice skin-to-skin in a good position the first days of baby's birth.

Skin-to-skin is full of benefits, such as regulating the temperature and creating a parent-baby bond. In addition to skin-to-skin, you can use the wrap for breastfeeding and also when you leave the maternity ward to have your child against you while keeping your hands free.

sling for maternity and skin to skin


Learn more about skin-to-skin.

Mum's hospital bag

Mum's suitcase includes items for the birth and for the maternity ward. Let's go!

  • 1 thermal water mist / spray to cool down during labour and to moisten the lips
  • refreshing wipes
  • maternity clothes or loose-fitting clothes
  • a bathrobe (to keep warm and comfortable)
  • A nightdress
  • slippers or flip-flops for moving around if the hospital does not provide them
  • day clothes
  • underwear and socks
  • something to keep you entertained (book, phone (+ charger!!!))
  • 1 night light to avoid neon lights at night

In your toilet bag:

  • all the usual necessities (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap...)
  • an oil or cream for stretch marks
  • a cream for your nipples
  • (make-up for the photos?)

Dad's hospital bag (a corner)

We shouldn't forget the daddy, should we? Even if it's a very small place, it's better to bring:

  • snacks and drinks, even if mum does (almost) all the work, the partner waits and tires at her side
  • coins for the coffee machine
  • phone, games, books...something to keep you entertained while you wait
  • a camera and its charger (if not the phone) to take nice pictures of the moment
  • 1 toothbrush and a spare t-shirt

If you are planning to breastfeed

  • 1 or 2 nursing bras
  • Nursing pads
  • 1 baby wrap: very practical for skin-to-skin contact but also very practical for breastfeeding


Important documents

  • Identity document / wallet
  • Health record and blood group card
  • Carnet de santé et carte groupe sanguin
  • Justificatifs d’assurance
  • Insurance card
  • Birth plan

These useful papers and documents can simply be kept in your handbag.

This list for your maternity suitcase will help you in all situations during the birth and the days following the birth. The final stretch!

the hospital bag checklist to be prepared !