When you become a parent, among the swarm of remarks and other advice that you receive - without necessarily having asked for them elsewhere - from those who already have children, is a particularly full sentence compassion, amusement (sadistic) and horror, sometimes even accompanied by a hand on the shoulder, like "go courage, everyone is going ...", that here: " Ah you will see when he/she will make his teeth! As with many things, there are as many ways to experience (experience) teething as there are babies. There are also many ways to (try to) relieve them. Whether we prefer natural methods, such as Roman chamomile hydrosol, homeopathy, amber necklace, or whether we prefer to turn to gels and others drugs specific to this stage of life, there is something for all "tastes".
Some babies have a fever for several days, their cheeks and buttocks red and in great pain, while others “just” feel the urge to chew whatever they find and drool not bad, without being embarrassed more than that. No one can do anything about it, that is how it is. In short, when our son's first teeth came out (I say "the", because they came out together), my companion and I only realized that because he was wearing a lot of things in his. mouth (but, you will tell me, at almost six months, a baby already puts everything in his mouth often), that he drooled a lot and that he tended to have a little red cheeks. As he was neither crying nor had a fever, it was while putting the tip of his little finger in our little boy's mouth one evening that my friend realized that his lower gum was "prickling" a little. middle… The next day, his two lower central incisors appeared at the same time. Soon after, her upper central incisors began to grow, one after another this time, making their way a little more painfully than their lower girlfriends. A little hydrosol in his mouth and massaged on his cheeks helped our son a lot, but we still felt embarrassed. In these cases and as often, the only things that could help him were to give him kisses, hugs (that has become my favorite activity since his birth) and to distract him as much as possible, while leaving to its provision one or two large, very cold teething rings as well as a famous rubber giraffe. To do this, in addition to playing, listening to music, reading stories and trying, why not, sign language, every day I put on (because I was with him at home) our baby sling, I comfortably settled my little boy in it and I danced. This had (and still has) the effect of making him laugh and presenting the house to him from a different angle, while participating in his "rhythmic awakening". & Eacute; Obviously we don't do these things only when he is embarrassed by his teeth and we do a lot of other activities, but, whatever the situation, babywearing ( as a sling, sling , baby carrier or simply" on the arm ") is always a safe bet, because it allows the child to feel soothed, reassured and comforted.
Bloody growing teeth
To discover our baby carriers and slings: HERE