Winter Sales
Baby carriers
Carry your child from 0 to 36 months (from 6 months without the extension kit). Ultra comfy in all seasons and physiological, the HoodieCarrier and the PhysioCarrier accompany you for little sleep at home as well as long walks to the other side of the world.
All the baby carriers How to choose?
Baby wraps
For the first months, nothing will ever equal the baby wrap and the skin to skin it allows. This promotes heat regulation, lactation, oxytocin ... You will have your hands free! For babies, the wrap allows you to make a transition with the mother's womb by prolonging the feeling of security. The physiological position leads to better digestion and therefore less reflux, colic.
All the baby wraps How to choose?
Ring Slings
Diaper Bag
The diaper bag that continues where others leave off! Additional hip seat (4-22 months). Changing bag attachments for prams, suitcases, baby carriers... Waterproof cover included. 5 positions to carry the bag. Multiple storage compartments for parents' and children's belongings. Removable waterproof bag for wet clothes / soiled nappies. A bag that you will use even without baby!
Parent's Hoodie


Compliance and quality control - Love Radius® baby carriers

French/English instructions

Benelux: Dutch Instructions

Spain: Spanish Instructions

Nov 2020 - Danish mandatory mentions: all products

We inform the users of Love Radius / Je Porte Mon Bébé products that the text on the care label “WARNING When using this sling, constantly monitor your child.” is only in english and should be in danish as this “ ADVARSEL Hold konstant øje med barnet, når viklen er i brug” in order to comply to TR16512 / 2015 §10.1
Also the instruction booklet in Danish here. Please leave your email address if you want to receive a printed version
Vi informerer brugerne af Love Radius/Je Porte Mon Bebe produkter om, at teksten på vaskemærket ”WARNING When using this sling, contantly monitor your child” er kun på engelsk og skal være på dansk ”ADVARSEL Hold konstant øje med barnet, når viklen er i brug" for at overholde TR16612/2012 §10.1.
Find også instruktionshæftet på dansk her. Efterlad din e-mail adresse hvis du ønsker at modtage en udskrevet version.

Denmark: Danish Instructions

Retrieve previous conformity notices here

All Love radius babywearing products meet the safety requirements. Lab tests are conducted in France according to the specifications of the European Standard for Baby Carriers NF EN 13209-2. (shrinkage, perspiration colorfastness, flammability, wear and tear, mechanical resistance, marking, packaging, absence or limited presence of heavy metals, formaldehyde, azoic dyes...). After these mandatory lab tests, we conduct additional tests to meet our quality requirements. These additional controls are meant to check the resistance of fabric and dye to regular washes, UV resistance, composition, stretching (overstretch), density, fuzziness, resistance of the dye to frequent rubbing, to saliva, pH. All dyes and fabric treatments comply with the Oeko-tex 100 standards. Love Radius products and the carries shown in our videos are in constant research and evolution with the collaboration of specialists of newborn psychomotricity and postpartum physiology. This goes way beyond the NF EN 13209-2 European standard requirements, which disregards Baby's physiology or his developmental stages. Our first and foremost objective is to promote babywearing and holding in the respect of Baby's psychomotor development.

Conformity and quality