Baby carriers
Carry your child from 0 to 36 months (from 6 months without the extension kit). Ultra comfy in all seasons and physiological, the HoodieCarrier and the PhysioCarrier accompany you for little sleep at home as well as long walks to the other side of the world.
All the baby carriers How to choose?
Baby wraps
For the first months, nothing will ever equal the baby wrap and the skin to skin it allows. This promotes heat regulation, lactation, oxytocin ... You will have your hands free! For babies, the wrap allows you to make a transition with the mother's womb by prolonging the feeling of security. The physiological position leads to better digestion and therefore less reflux, colic.
All the baby wraps How to choose?
Ring Slings
Diaper Bag
The diaper bag that continues where others leave off! Additional hip seat (4-22 months). Changing bag attachments for prams, suitcases, baby carriers... Waterproof cover included. 5 positions to carry the bag. Multiple storage compartments for parents' and children's belongings. Removable waterproof bag for wet clothes / soiled nappies. A bag that you will use even without baby!
Parent's Hoodie

My baby will «get used to it», I'll never be able to put him down

A child who gets reassurance is more self-confident, he will discover independence by himself without experiencing any fear of abandonment.
During his first months, the infant needs to be in close contact with his parents. Soon enough, he will find comfort and open to the world in his own way.
Listen to him, and listen to yourself.
An infant doesn't get cravings or urges, he has needs, and the idea of manipulative tantrums is neither here nor there.


People are surprisingly fast to forget that an infant doesn't have the same social behavior as a 4 year-old, or that his nerve endings and brain development aren't sophisticated enough to «manipulate» people or engage in power struggles.

The attachment bond is an essential condition to the development of the baby and the human being.

«Only when your thirst is quenched can you walk away from the spring»


Hip carry in JPMBB