Parent porteur

I am a mother of two children, a 8 year old and a 19 month old.
For me babywearing is the logical continuation of pregnancy, I practised it with my older child and I continue with my daughter.
I'm a personal trainer, and above all I'm passionate about outdoor sports, mountains, adventures and travel, and thanks to babywearing I can continue almost all my activities. At the moment I am lucky enough to be able to go to work with my daughter and to have her close to me, to have my hands free, to feel her calm and to be able to continue my explanations while she sleeps, feeds or observes is a real luxury, because I don't feel torn between my job and my desire to be with her.
Moreover, the PhysioCarrier is really comfortable and sturdy, whether it's for long walks, sports, cooking when she needs contact or spending quality time with my son. I just wish I had discovered this brand when my first was a baby.