Baby carriers
Carry your child from 0 to 36 months (from 6 months without the extension kit). Ultra comfy in all seasons and physiological, the HoodieCarrier and the PhysioCarrier accompany you for little sleep at home as well as long walks to the other side of the world.
All the baby carriers How to choose?
Baby wraps
For the first months, nothing will ever equal the baby wrap and the skin to skin it allows. This promotes heat regulation, lactation, oxytocin ... You will have your hands free! For babies, the wrap allows you to make a transition with the mother's womb by prolonging the feeling of security. The physiological position leads to better digestion and therefore less reflux, colic.
All the baby wraps How to choose?
Ring Slings
Diaper Bag
The diaper bag that continues where others leave off! Additional hip seat (4-22 months). Changing bag attachments for prams, suitcases, baby carriers... Waterproof cover included. 5 positions to carry the bag. Multiple storage compartments for parents' and children's belongings. Removable waterproof bag for wet clothes / soiled nappies. A bag that you will use even without baby!
Parent's Hoodie

Awakening time

At the very beginning of his very young life, my son's waking phases were rather short and he spent most of it in my partner's arms, in mine or in my sling , her little body snuggled up against us and her big blue eyes plunged into ours. When he was about two or three months old, we decided to swap the sling for the wrap of babywearing , which seemed more comfortable to us and which allowed us to have more hands free . It was indeed very practical, especially when our son did not want to be on his awakening mat and we had to make sure that we could both satisfy his need to be carried and assume our responsibility. duty to keep a clean house (I think for example of washing dishes or vacuuming ...) . He was then most of the time very attentive to what we were doing, opening his eyes wide and studying everything around him, hardly ever showing the urge to get out of the wrap. < strong> At around seven months, after waiting for our son to sit up on his own (free motor skills required) and for his pelvis to move away naturally, we opted for a baby carrier physiological , because we wanted a way of carrying even faster and easier to put on than the sling or the wrap (and because the latter started to keep us warm - we were in summer). We also found that the carrier gave him a little more freedom to move around, especially when he wanted to point at things or move his legs a bit. But, our little boy having in the meantime become much more mobile, he especially wanted to move around alone and no longer sought as much to be carried during his awakening phases, or then directly in our arms, and this is why the carrier. baby has never served us at home. On the other hand he was and always is very useful to us outside. The difference is that now we mainly carry our son in a baby carrier when he is tired, at the end of a walk, for example, when he fell asleep in the car during the journey leading us to a shopping center and we do not want to wake him up by placing him in a shopping cart, or when he is simply ask. What is funny is that now, at the end of thirteen months, when we are outside and he wakes up from a nap in the baby carrier, either our little boy "simply" observes the surroundings (sometimes so silently that you hardly realize he's awake), or he says a big "Doh!" Or "Dah! », Then begins to put his arms out the top of the baby carrier and to move his pelvis to let us know that he wants to stretch his legs (he has been walking for a little over two weeks ). Immediately we respond to his request by taking it out of the baby carrier and presto, he's very happy. In a few months we will go on a trip and long walks will be on the program, which will be an opportunity for us to experiment with backpack carrying, and we hope that this new experience will please him.

Our baby carriers HERE